Rescue Mission in the Taiwanese Mountains: Determined Duo Saves Puppy, Finds Unexpected Friend and a Happy Ending

The best ending for this adorable rescue story 🤗🐶

Sean and Ross were on a rescue mission and they went to the Taiwanese mountains.

Sean learned, that there was a puppy in a remote mountain village, that needed help. Sean was the founder of Animal Care Trust and he immediately went into action with Ross to rescue the poor dog.

Many people told them they couldn’t do it and it was too far, but they considered bringing the puppy back with them.

They walked for four hours and were at the place where they considered the dog would be. It was the guest house, where they considered to the dog would be, but they couldn’t see him. They were worried, that they wouldn’t find him upon arrival.

But after looking around for some time Ross and Sean found the dog under the chairs. It was the beginning of their rescue.

Sean was amazed by the dog’s sociability. He immediately crawled out from his space and let the men to save him. They treated one of his wounds and put him into their backpack, that they had brought with them especially. And their long journey had began.

Sean named the puppy Sandy and he was calm all the way back down the mountain. Sean considered nursing him back to life and then finding a loving family for him.

And he was fortunate.

One of the Taiwanese restaurants owners named Bob wrote a message to Sean and invited him for a meal in honour of his rescue of Sandy. And he also asked to bring Sandy with him.

Bob agreed to foster Sandy for a few days, but then he fell in love with him and considered adopting. And it was the best happy ending for such a sweet rescue story.

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