A kitten goes after a cat to home and refuses to leave

A stray kitten, that obtained a new friend and a big brother 

The only wish of homeless cats is to find a loving home. It’s very dangerous outside, but many cats had to spend their whole life on the streets. But this one is different.

Alice McColl saw a cat wandering around the neighbourhood and decided to give it food and water. The cat came a few days later with her two kittens. The thoughts, that the mother and her two children are living on the streets made Alice sad.

She decided to ask for help from a shelter, but only one kitten remained until they came. Alice never saw the kitten and the mother from that moment.

She understood, that the kitten needed help. She continued to care about it and it settled on her doorstep.

Alice couldn’t adopt it as she already had a cat named Otley. But one day Otley saw the kitten when she was outside. The kitten was at first frightened, but soon started following him everywhere he went.

Otley wasn’t nervous or worried. On the contrary he was having a good time with her. Otley made friends with the sad kitten very soon and Alice adopted her.

The kitten fell asleep after being washed and having dinner. Alice named her Birdie and she was happy to be back at home.

Birdie grew up smoothly and has always been Otley’s shadow. He is in love with her and she likes the attention. Otley has become Birdie’s big brother and gives her attention every day.

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