This adorable baby born with a birthmark in the shape of a heart is now 6 years old
There is a huge number of people who are born with birthmarks on various places of their bodies which can either look cute and give them charm or else made the bearers feel insecure and lack confident. As soon as this baby boy was born, the doctors spotted a strange thing on his forehand whereas had no idea what it actually was.
Later on, it turned out that the newborn had a relatively big birthmark looking like a heart.
With the passing years, the boy’s birthmark is getting even brighter and no one can stay indifferent towards the unique child. When he is out there is an endless queue of people who want to photograph the cutie.
Though the doctors had assured that the mark would disappear when he turned 5-6, that hasn’t happened yet but his parents aren’t anyhow concerned. They just can’t stop admiring their unique son!
Nature does magical things!
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