The brave deliverer rescued the dog who was struggling for existence in the pool.
A Husky who is 14 was remarkably rescued from a deadly danger by an Amazon delivery driver.
Happily, the driver was there when he spotted the Husky drowning in the private pool.
Josh Casabria who is an Amazon delivery driver, was doing his daily job in Woburn, Boston, delivering goods to customers.
Nonetheless, fate made him a hero for the Husky, who is struggling for existence in the pool.
It was a hot day as soon as Josh drove through the Woburn area. He spotted a dog’s face sticking out of a private pool all of a sudden. Josh realized the gravity of the occasion and hurried to assist.
Josh jumped over the barrier and jumped right into the pool to rescue Husky. He didn’t waste a second pulling something valuable like a wallet and a phone out of his pockets.
Luka, a 14-year-old Husky managed to escape from drowning with the help of Josh. Luka was left at home by his parents, who were not at home that day. The occurrence took place during his stay.
It looks like there was a bone stuck in the pool’s vacuum line that threw the dog into the water. Free swimming is impossible for any dog of his age.
After rescuing Luka, Josh contacted the regional animal control agency. Luka’s master thanked Josh for his brave deed as well as for rescuing the Husky. After rescuing the dog, Josh carried on completing his delivery duties for the day.