A cat became matted about how she is going to fit in her new bed

A very amusing experience for the whole family

The cat named Cleo was adopted by a loving family from the local shelter nine years ago and the family still continues to make her happy with presents.

“We really indulge her. She has many toys, that make her life happier and rich.” told the owner Sam Campbell.

Cleo’s big family adores her so much and all of them indulge her. And when Campbell’s father-in-low saw an interesting bed for the cat, he immediately ordered one for Cleo.

Campbell told: “He saw it in a Facebook post and thought Cleo would like it.”

He didn’t tell the couple, that he had ordered something. So when the small bed arrived in the mail they were amazed.

“When we opened it, we didn’t understand what it was. Mu husband shared the photo on the family chat and it turned out, that his father ordered it. But it just wasn’t the size needed.”

Cleo was amazed, as she didn’t understand what to do with this little bed. And Campbell’s father-in-low was relieved, that the bed just cost 30$.

“The ad said, it could fit two cats. But really it was amusing not only for the whole family, but also with the Internet users.”

Although Cleo couldn’t use her new bed it was a amusing and delightful experience for the whole family.

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