This dog, Romeo, is a true sample of how a dog gets hurt when he’s rejected.
A dog left in an animal refuge does not raise his head. He always leans towards impartiality. His family abandoned him. The family gave the dog to a fellow.
Sadly, two months later, the new family left the dogs at the refuge. This dog is seven times larger.
Currently, he lives in a refuge and is not amiable. He sat with his head down, frightened when he was infamous. He denies to walking, eating as well as moving his head.
He was upset. Although the assessors did everything in order to get him out of this tense.
The dog was carried to a salvation union and after a while, the dog became quite amiable. His life converted all of a sudden.
The president of Alternative Chance to Save the New York Dog Crew believes this dog will shortly be provided with a home.
This dog, Romeo, is a true sample of how a dog gets hurt when he’s rejected.
They also have passions and are stressed when they stay, and restoring their trust in mortals is quite difficult.
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