A unique family with unique members! 🐇🤗
Seeing a friendship between children and animals is really wonderful. Even the most indifferent person can’t ignore them because they are the cutest creatures in the world.
Now meet this adorable couple and smile all day long. Cocoa Puff is a giant rabbit, who shares a strong bond with his little sister.
This wonderful creature is 9 kg, but it doesn’t disturb his family to give him lots of kisses and cuddles. Although dogs are considered the best pets and guardians, Cocoa Puff is no less affectionate and loving.
The mother named Lindsay takes care of him with great pleasure. She says that it’s not an easy task to keep such a big creature at home, who demands much food and care, but all the members are overjoyed to have him next to them.
Cacao Puff enjoys a happy life with his loving owners and frequently travels and goes for walks with them.
There’s only one problem: the rabbit doesn’t like dogs, so during his walks he must be away from canines.