Having gained extra weight, Selena Gomez was brave enough to appear in a tight dress impressing everyone

Despite not possessing “perfect” figure, Gomez appeared in a tight dress

It has been far not once when the iconic and overall-famous singer proved that she pays no attention to other people’s opinions and, despite gaining extra kilos, the legendary star never ceases to appear in attractive tight outfits.

One of her recent looks was in a tight sparkling silver dress which clearly highlighted all the curves of the brilliant and talented performer.

Although it was quite obvious the celebrity has lately gained some extra weight, Gomez still looked stunning winning millions of hearts.

Selena’s extra weight didn’t ruin her beauty at all, instead, it gave her more charm. She looked quite confident and was not insecure about her “imperfect” figure.

“What a charming girl!”, “In my personal opinion, she is simply perfect”, “Weight doesn’t ruin her beauty”.

Some rushed to suggest her working on her diet in order to lose weight, whereas the others supported their idol considering her absolutely beautiful no matter what.

How did you find Gomez’s figure?


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