Everyone knows this cat for his amazing habit of standing on his hind legs

Such a funny way to stand!

Meet George, a crazy catty, who is famous on social media due to the way he stands up. When he wants to see someone or something around him, he stands up on his hind legs like people.

The cutie became famous when his owner named Andrew Park began to post his photos on social media.

The family members cannot understand why he stands in this way, but he began to do it recently. However it looks very funny.

George was only six weeks old, when he was taken by the family and the parents didn’t notice such behaviour at that time.

There are two other pets at home, but they do whatever George does, because they think that he is their boss and they must obey him.

The way George stands is surprising for his siblings, too and they look at him with a great interest.

The cutie’s photos attract thousands of people from all over the world and thanks to his wonderful habit, he is now quite famous.

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