The way a person behaves toward animals opens a window into his soul.

Over seventy saved horses live joyful lives here.

Rescued horses wander Willie Nelson’s ranch located in Texas.

They say, “the way a person behaves toward animals opens a window into his soul.”

A world far from the stage, with his vintage pickup van driving instead of his guitar, Willie Nelson is fond of walking around the 700-acre Hill Country in Texas.

A renowned singer named Willie Nelson is much more than just a musician. Another of his passions is a 700-acre ranch located in Texas, which he lovingly named “Success”. In this interview, he jokingly described:

“When you’re here, you’re successful, and when you’re not, you don’t need success.”

Willie’s ranch has over seventy horses that are allowed to wander the vast tract.

He rescued these horses for many years, most of which he rescued just before going to the slaughterhouse. Others have experienced serious ignorance or abuse.

Willie and his daughter fought for years to close slaughterhouses in Texas.

He adores horses so much that he even involved the song on his album, which was released later in 2019, called Ride Me Back Home.

Willy announced proudly. “My horses are possibly the most fortunate in the world.

They are hand-fed twice a day and just ready to be slaughtered, possibly the last thing they recall, so they are happy horses.

Willie Nelson, Horse Rescue Retirement from music doesn’t seem to be in Willie’s plans anytime soon. At the age of eight or seven, he still spends about 200 days a year on the road.

Willie admits that there are many trips, he says.

“I retire after every performance. I say. “Yeah, I won’t go again,” but then we spent some time, “the people [of his band] want to play, we will play again.” this is his life.

“You have to be a little cleverer as we get older. “I think I get a little cleverer from time to time, but I’m not certain.”

It’s so convincing to see someone so popular, famous, and really caring about animals, working to make their lives better, especially those who are on their way to slaughter. They say, “the way a person behaves toward animals opens a window into his soul.”

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