Everyone’s favorite Chuck Norris is 83 and this is how he lives and looks now 🧐🤔
The iconic actor has recently celebrated his birthday and has already turned 83. However, little is known about the legendary film star. He is a rare guest on TV shows and hardly ever shares details about his life.
Many hardly believe that this great man is already 83 since they still remember him as that young and athletic actor.
In the course of his acting career, he has brilliantly acted in about 40 films and is best remembered for his roles in «Cool Walker» and «Way of the Dragon». In the series he appeared in 200 episodes that brought him overall fame and recognition.
One of his latest works has been «Unstoppable 2». Though he ceased to act in films, he is actively involved in charity and is a dedicated husband. As the woman had some serious health problems, the man tries to always take good care of her.