«Bags under her eyes and deep wrinkles!»: The makeup-free face of actress Thurman came as a big surprise

Many were not ready to see the natural beauty of Thurman with no hint of makeup 😱😳

Only few have seen what U. Thurman looks like with no cosmetics on. To everyone’s surprise, she is 51 and still looks literally amazing, is active and energetic.

Unlike many of her colleagues and co-stars, she has always been against surgeries and other beauty procedures. She is convinced that nothing can ruin natural beauty, even years and aging.

However, many noticed a big difference between how she used to look like years ago and how she looks like today. Despite all the age-related changes, she continues to maintain her charm and femininity.

Though she was wearing a mask, everyone clearly noticed her exhausted look and rushed to comment on it.

No hint of makeup was seen. She appeared in a completely natural look.

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