«Fashion started with her!»: Everyone’s attention was drawn to Kardashian’s charming 88-year-old grandmother

Here is the 88-year-old grandmother of Kardashians they owe their beauty to

Recently, one of the best-known, most successful and influential celebrities and businesswomen of our time has shared joint photos of her 66-year-old mother and grandmother.

There is a hearsay that the outstanding star’s granny is 88, yet no one still knows for sure. It is worth mentioning that only her closest ones are aware of her real age.

It should be mentioned that the iconic woman used to work as a model, skillful teacher and successful entrepreneur. She enjoys her well-deserved retirement and is constantly surrounded by her family. The fans claimed «In one word – GORGEOUS».

«Fashion began with her!», «This is whom Kardashians owe their unearthly beauty to», «She looks her best despite her age!», «Blood is thicker than water».

«Keep going! You look simply amazing»., «Still iconic at 88!».

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