An emotional story of an elderly dog, who was given a new chance 

Older puppies are very excited to have a caring family 

All of us know, that puppies and cats have a low life expectancy. And we should do everything for our pets, who has little time left. This tale is about a 16-year-old puppy and co-founder of Marleys Mutts and the Pawsitive Change initiative Zack Schou.

It all started when Zach went to the shelter in Tehachapi and found a puppy named Henry. Henry was an elderly puppy. He lives in the shelter differently, his moves and eating are slower than others and also his coat changed color. And so no one wants to adopt him.

After seeing it all Zack was touched. So he considered helping the puppy and became his adoptive father and decided to find a loving family for him.

Zack took the dog and they went to the vet. His condition wasn’t good and he turned out to have testicular cancer and after that, they performed the surgery. And happily, Henry turned out to be very strong in fighting the disease. Although he was very weak, he still walked in the garden and assisted people. Zack was amazed by his strength, as he appeared to get stronger every day.

Zack still tries to find Henry new caring owners and he was happy for the puppy’s recovery. He considers finding such an affectionate and supportive family for the puppy, that will make it happier.

Zack’s story became well known and a kind woman learned about Henry and adopted him. Henry quickly accustomed to the woman and always looked happy and friendly. The new owner of Henry loves him so much and shares photos with him.

Thanks to Zack Henry would have a new joyful life in his last days. May all the elderly puppies have such a person.

Older puppies are overjoyed being adopted.

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