«The film legend still looks amazing at 73»: The recent appearance of 73-year-old Meryl Streep became the center of heated discussions

Among the attenders of a memorial service for Guare was iconic actress Meryl Streep

Even at her 73, highly respected, overall-recognized and charming actress M. Streep still continues brilliant acting and isn’t going to quit her drizzling career in the film industry. There is no denying that she has changed a lot, yet, her charm is still there.

Over the past few years the legendary film star has appeared at various events and shows less and less often making her devoted fans miss their favorite actress.

Meanwhile, the iconic woman has recently become one of the attenders of a memorial service for playwright John Guare. She chose a vibrant scarlet suit with a snow-white shirt and a black bow tie thus surprised everyone with her impressive look.

In this photo we can see Billy Eikner posing with the legendary film star.

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