The little cat, who has been fighting for life for a long time, now has everything he needs to feel happy

The abandoned kitten has become unrecognizable!

Once a helpless kitten was found by a passer-by and was immediately taken to a shelter. There he got all the appropriate treatment, but it wasn’t enough for him to become completely healthy and strong.

The whole staff was worried about the cutie’s condition and they did their best to provide him with everything he needed.

One of the kind volunteers named Maria decided to take care of the kitten at her home. She began to feed him with bottle and after a short time the cute animal gained a lot of weight. His condition was becoming better day by day and he got much love and care from the woman.

He got the name Loui. Maria was connected to the kitten at once and they built a strong friendship.

Although Loui spends a great time with his human, he needs a friend of his own kind, with whom he will enjoy his life.

Every time he goes for a walk, he looks for a companion and never remains indifferent about other cats, whom he meets outside.

We are sure the cutie will find his friend of life very soon.

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