A talking crow, who befriended with a young woman

An adorable crow, who enjoys being in the centre of attention 

A generous young woman named Macey couldn’t imagine she would befriend with the shrewd crow. Macey works in the American Eagle Foundation and likes her job very much. The group gives flying hawks and crows rehabilitation and also delivery services.

They had a lot of birds, that were unhealthy at their facility. And a bird named Tucky was brought here by delivery from an animal shop. He couldn’t do anything when he was freed into nature as he was usually under human protection and supervision.

He had problems with his legs and wings and he couldn’t fly. So he started to spend a lot of time with the woman, learning how to communicate with her and other residents of the sanctuary.

The crow has had an active life most of his 20 year lifetime. When Tucky needed help he would say “what” which means “lets play and have fun together.”

Although it was difficult to get used to talking crow Macey adores and takes care of the adorable bird. He was a woman’s guy and enjoyed everything connected to it.

He just adores the attention he receives from the woman every time she approach him.

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