“Then and Now!”: This is how an anorexic girl who weighed 30 kilos looks after having recovered

This anorexic girl weighing 30 kilos gained weight and became a real beauty

This charming and unique girl, despite being in her 20s, have, misfortunately, faced many difficulties and problems on her way concerning health-related issues as well.

Everything actually started when Sare intended to lose weight and, after some time, became literally unstoppable. Sare’s health substantially worsened.

There was a time she consumed only 350 calories a day and was actively engaged in trainings at the same time.

As a result, Sare’s weight reached 30 one day. The health-related issues she had were not only visible on her weight. She started to have serious problems and disorders concerning her hair and skin.

At that time, the girl was studying at a medical college and the lecturers there soon noticed that something was definitely wrong with her.

Many strongly advised her to see a doctor as soon as possible, whereas she refused to until the time the condition she was in led her to go to a rehabilitation center.

Having received proper treatment, Sare is now completely healthy and looks, objectively, much better. She started to cope with her mental problems and insecurities as well and learns to accept herself.

Within two years, the girl managed to gain 20 kilos due to a proper staple diet and special trainings focusing on building muscles.

Currently, nothing threatens her health and well-being. No one would argue that she looks stunning and very attractive.

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