Our dogs seem to be very curious about what we do, no matter if it’s good or bad.
Imitation is real flattery, but some things are forbidden, like toothbrushes. It’s time to quit and move on.
The father said: “Maverick loves to watch my daughter brushing her teeth. He sits in the bathroom thinking about what we are doing.
A few weeks ago, a girl named Caitlin stopped brushing her teeth. She was washing her face when Maverick jumped to the sink, stole her toothbrush, and ran into the living room with the toothbrush in his mouth.
While talking on my phone, she screamed that her toothbrush was stolen, so I started recording a clip where he is embarrassed, showing that he looks like us with a toothbrush.
Caitlin reached out to take it from him, he made an attempt to get away from her until he was at the angle with a toothbrush in his mouth.